Well Women Care in Arkansas

Looking for well women care in Arkansas?

The office of Dr. E.J. JONES, M.D. can assist you with well women care. Refer to our appointment page to set up an appointment with Dr. E.J. Jones M.D. and staff. We look forward to providing you with exceptional women’s health services.

well women care clinic batesville arkansas

A Well-Woman examination is recommended once a year for the majority of women. A complete general checkup that includes a breast exam, pelvic exam, and labs is part of the well-woman exam. Depending on your age & medical history, a Well-Woman Exam may include blood testing to screen for diabetes, cholesterol, kidney and liver function, PAP test, urinalysis, thyroid (if indicated), breast, EKG, chest x-ray (if shown). 

We also will order a stress test if indicated. Cancer markers may be ordered as needed. 

  • Complete physical exam including breast exam 
  • Pelvic exam and Pap Smear 
  • Comprehensive Labs 
  • Review and update of family health history 
  • Update of current medications, herbs, and supplements 
  • Update of personal information such as life and work
  • Update on immunizations 
  • Evaluation of need for health screening tests (such as mammogram, test for sexually transmitted diseases, and colon cancer screening)